Back from the WSA World Championship in Scharnitz... Feeling proud that
we were able to attend this huge event. Team Chinanook's was represented
by Multi Ch. Uyak Kalamals Bison Benjamin & Chinanook's Lilly Rose.
It was the first time that we attented such a race. On the 3 days we
made the cut. We enjoyed to the maximum and we have learned as well.
Times were really fast. Congrats to all winners! We also enjoyed the
great atmosphere within the Belgian Team smile emoticon Feeling proud of Lilly & Ben who behaved really well :) I would like to thanks all the people who have supported and pushed us: my parents ( Muriel & Freddy Guillaume, Anita Muspach, Paula S. Honigman, Arnaud Eggemann, Marnix Vermeulen & Patrik Vanderdonckt).