On May 5th-6th we went to Dortmund...
And we are proud to announce that Just A Kiss Of Keema's Wolf Pak "Keisha" won 1 exc Anw. Dt. Jug. Ch. VDH, DCN Jgd CAC and is now FCI-Jahrhundertjugendsieger!!!
I also had the honor to handle BIS BISS Multi Ch. Tundrafoot's Bern Baby Bern "Dysco" (owner: Daponte Nancy]) who won 1 exc Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch.VDH CAC CACIB BOB!!!
And I was also the proud handler of BISS Multi Ch. Kinuk's He Hast It All (owners: Katrien Gaethofs & Evert Schraepen) who won 1 exc Anw.Dt.Jug.Ch.VDH CAC CACIB!!! Haiko did it again @ the Europasieger!!! Thank you all :)