Tuesday, April 19, 2011

CACIB Brabo 2011

On Sunday April 17th we attended the International Dog Show in Antwerpen, Belgium. We are very proud to announce the following results:

* Chinanook's Jack won 1 VP Best puppy male!
* Chinanook's JoYepa won 1 VP Best puppy in breed and Best in Show puppy!!!!
* Ayuka's Great Akela won 1 exc CAC CACIB BOB and selected with the last 7 for BOG!!!!

A special thanks to Nancy Daponte and Naomi van Mourik for their great handling with Jack and Akela!

A special thanks to honourable judges, Mrs. I. Hectors and Mr. J.F. Vanaken!

I also had the pleasure to handle Zulem Spanish Dancer "Tito" (owner: Suzy Vosters) for the reserve Best in Show Youth male :)

Last but not least Thanks to Nicky, Anita and Gijs :)