Monday, February 23, 2009

CAC-CACIB Hoogstraten (BE)

On Feb 21-22 we attended the International Dog Show in Hoogstraten:
On Saturday we were very proud to handle the Australian Shepperd of our new friends, Arnold & Martine,
GJ Jane de la GadailLe "TinkerBell".
Under the judgement of Mrs. Rita Reyniers TinkerBell finished 1st. CAC - CACIB - BOS.
Thanks Arnold & Martine for your trust!
On Sunday we attended the same show with the Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky judged by Mr. Forte Michael:
  • Chinanook's Hailey = 1 VP Best puppy in breed
  • Ayuka's Chanel Essence (owned by: Ayuka's kennel): 1 exc. RCAC - RCACIB
A special thanks to Anita Muspach for her help!
Thanks to Camille for the pics!