Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Poekies gang meeting 08

On Sunday November 30th we organized our second puppymeeting. This time Yekona's puppies were invited for a play in the garden, and their owners for a bite and a nip.Hailey was very happy to see again her sister: Hanoeck, Hoshi & Qila and brothers: Jack & Hutah. Unfortunately both Harley and Chinook couldn't make it.A busy afternoon, everybody was weighed, measured, compared and chased by his/her brothers and sisters in the garden.
We were please to see the poekies gang again with mommy Yekona :)Grandfather Yanuk even came out to see his grandchildren, but he seemed more interested in the food inside. like a true malamute... Thank you to all the visitors and hope to see you soon!