Tuesday, March 04, 2014

CACIB Douai 2014...

On March 2nd we attended the International Dog show Douai in France.... 

EJW´11 WJW'11 Multi Ch. Chinanook´s Jack won 1 exc. CAC CACIB BOB spéciale de race BOG RBIS!!!!! 
A special thanks to Ine Vanseer for expert handling of Jack:) 
his son, Chinanook's Marcolini won 1 VP Best youth in breed & RBIS youth!!! 
Again thanks to Ine for lovely duo with Marco:) 
his other son, American Triumph Moves Like Jagger won 1 VP Best puppy in breed!!! Jagger enjoyed it so much and was perfectly handled by his breeder and our dear friend, Daponte Nancy!!! 
A special thanks to all honourables judges for the nice comments about my 3 boys:)